Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Residencia en Bochum

Bueno... vamos haciendo progresos, mira lo que le han enviado a Trisha desde Bochum:

"Dear Ms. Insua Lagarón

We have received your documents on 25th of June. Since our office is still in the process of allocating, we will inform you about the results in a few days. We will also inform your friend, since we have received her documents on 25th of June as well.

Best regards
Julian Goll"

Así que dentro de unos días sabré si vivo debajo de este puente o del otro =D


Y para el año espero hacer amigos que me canten esto a todas horas...

I wanna get rich,
get off of my face,
wanna have a party now in this place,
get plastered,
absolutely wased

The countdown has already started... 1 week for Dublin... 7

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